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Across Ecuador and Peru rural areas are facing an exodus of young people as they move to urban areas in search of work. This leaves fragmented and isolated communities with a labour and skills shortage, a lack of government investment, and degradation of ancient traditions and cultural heritage. 


In Peru, malnutrition and lack of water are also of major concern, especially in remote regions that endure harsh climatic conditions. 


Our projects aim to improve basic health and welfare services, identify solutions to food and water shortages (or conversely, seasonal flooding in some cases), and invest in educational facilities for those communities that have been overlooked by the government. 


The Amazon rainforest represents over 60 per cent of the world’s rainforests and is home to 30 per cent of all the species on Earth. Yet today its destruction is unprecedented and has increased by 29 per cent since 2016, with more than 60,000 square miles of forest lost each year – equivalent to 48 football pitches each minute! Our extensive reforestation programmes in South America are critical to protecting the Amazon and its people who rely on the forest for survival. 


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